Mastering Similarities and Differences Concepts for SSC CGL General Intelligence

Understanding nuances around identifying similarities and differences is key to cracking SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning section. Learn tips like developing vocabulary, critical thinking, and more.

General Intelligence and Reasoning section plays a crucial role in determining SSC CGL exam outcome. Candidates need to demonstrate ability to identify relationships between words, images, numbers to answer questions testing similarities and differences.

Understanding Similarities

Below are some ways similarities are tested:

  • Finding connections between sets of items like "pen:ink::lock:?" where answer is "key" as both pairs represent instruments with necessary counterparts
  • Identifying common functions or features like "chair:sitting::cup:?" where answer is "drinking" as both objects serve purpose of accommodating an action
  • Recognizing thematic connections between disparate items like "apple, orange, banana" related by "fruits" theme and "car, train, plane" linked by "transportation" theme

Grasping Differences

Some techniques used to test differences:

  • Spotting items with contrasting properties like "pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler" has "ruler" as odd one out based on function
  • Finding exceptions to rules or patterns like breaking alphabetical order in a series like "A, B, C, D, E"
  • Identifying logical inconsistencies like flawed statement "If all birds have wings, then all animals with wings are birds"

Interplay Between Similarities and Differences

Candidates may need to identify item that has both similarity to one element and difference from another. For example, "car: bus :: train: ?" can have answer as "airplane" which shares land transportation theme but differs in mode.

Tips for Mastery

  • Develop strong vocabulary to grasp nuances
  • Practice critical thinking to analyze information
  • Solve past papers to understand type and difficulty of questions
  • Take mock tests for exam readiness

Mastering the interplay between similarities and differences by following the above tips is key to cracking the SSC CGL General Intelligence section.


Strong vocabulary, critical thinking ability, and extensive practice of past papers and mock tests is crucial for mastering the similarities and differences concepts tested in SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning section.


Q1: How are similarities tested in SSC CGL General Intelligence?

A1: Similarities are tested by questions requiring candidates to identify underlying relationships between sets of items, recognize common functions or features, and understand thematic connections between disparate elements.

Q2: What techniques are used to test differences in this section?

A2: Techniques used involve - spotting contrasting properties, finding exceptions to rules/patterns, and identifying logical inconsistencies in statements.

Q3: How do similarities and differences work together?

A3: Candidates may need to identify items that have both similarity to one element as well as difference from another element.

Q4: How can one develop strong vocabulary?

A4: One can develop strong vocabulary by reading widely, learning new words daily, understanding roots/origins, using dictionaries/thesaurus, and actively applying words in sentences.

Q5: Why critical thinking important?

A5: Critical thinking allows to analytically approach question statements, identify patterns, spot inconsistencies, solve problems methodically - which is key to cracking this section.

Q6: How mock tests help in preparation?

A6: Mock tests simulate actual exam environment allowing to gauge preparation level. They help build speed, accuracy under pressure - which determines SSC CGL exam success.
