Regular Polygons for Competitive Exams

A regular polygon refers to a closed two-dimensional shape with all equal side lengths and interior angles. Regular polygons are a key part of the quantitative aptitude syllabus and questions in SSC CGL Tier-I carrying 25 marks. Thorough preparation on topics like properties, area/perimeter formulas, construction rules, and applying concepts to solve word problems is needed to excel.

Important Details - SSC CGL Tier-I Syllabus for Regular Polygons:

Focus Areas Key Details
Properties Formulas connecting number of sides, interior/exterior angles, diagonals, etc.
Area & Perimeter Applying correct formulas for different regular polygons
Construction & Congruence Usage of compass and ruler; identifying similar polygons
Word Problems Applying concepts to solve real-world scenarios

Understanding Regular Polygon Properties

The foundation of mastering regular polygons lies in internalizing key properties like:

Property Relationship
Number of sides (n) Linked to angles, diagonals, etc.
Interior angle measure (φ) (n-2)*180°/n
Exterior angle measure 180° - φ

Solving problems becomes easy once you can quickly apply formulas connecting the number of sides, angles, diagonals. Drawing regular polygons helps build intuition.

Area and Perimeter Formulas

SSC CGL questions will test your grasp over specialized area and perimeter formulas for regular polygons like:

Shape Area Formula Perimeter Formula
Triangle 1/2 x b x h a + b + c
Square (side)2 4 x (side)
Pentagon (p x b)/2 5 x (side length)

Memorizing the vital formulas helps save time in exams. Focus on speedily applying them accurately under time pressure.

Construction Rules and Congruence

You need good visualization skills for questions involving:

  • Using just a compass and ruler to construct regular polygons like hexagons, octagons based on certain dimensions
  • Identifying which regular polygons are congruent/similar if their side lengths, interior angles, etc. match

Regular practice using graphical tools and diagrams builds this spatial reasoning capability over time.

Solving Application-Based Problems

Ultimately, the power of regular polygon concepts lies in tackling quant problems like:

Problem Context Polygon Knowledge Needed
Calculating perimeter to fencing fields/land plots Area formulas, units conversion
Determining floor tile requirements Area formulas, rounding calculations
Design problems with parcel dimensions Polygon properties, perimeter formulas

With sufficient practice across years of previous papers, different question types testing the understanding of properties, formulas, and out-of-the-box thinking around regular polygons can be mastered.

Tips for Excellence

Incorporate the below strategies in your regular polygons preparation routine for SSC CGL Tier-I Quant:

  • Draw regular polygons frequently to build mental visualization strength
  • Memorize vital interior angle, perimeter, area formulas for fast recall under exam conditions
  • Practice questions from a variety of sources to gain expertise in diverse problem types
  • Focus aggressively on question-solving speed and accuracy


By internalizing important properties, formulas and sufficient practice in applying concepts to solve word problems through old papers and mocks, the topic of regular polygons can be mastered with ease to gain an edge in SSC CGL Tier-I preparation and maximize quant scores.


Q1: How are regular polygons defined in geometry?

A1: A regular polygon has all internal angles equal and all sides of equal length. For example - equilateral triangles, squares, hexagons are regular polygons.

Q2: What is the interior angle property of regular polygons?

A2: The interior angle phi (φ) = (Number of sides - 2) x 180° / Number of sides. So all interior angles in a regular polygon with n sides = (n-2)*180°/n degrees.

Q3: What is the exterior angle property of a regular polygon?

A3: Each external angle of a regular polygon with n sides and interior angle phi measures = 180 degrees - phi. So exterior angle can be calculated if interior angle is known.

Q4: How to find the area of any regular polygon?

A4: To find the area of a regular polygon with n sides, you need to first determine the area formula for that specific shape and then apply it using the correct parameter values like base, side length, etc.

Q5: What are congruent regular polygons?

A5: Two regular polygons having equal corresponding side lengths and equal corresponding interior angle measures are called congruent polygons or similar polygons.

Q6: Why master regular polygons for SSC CGL Tier 1?

A6: Regular polygons form a scoring quant topic for SSC CGL Tier-I. Gaining expertise in properties, formulas and problem-solving will unlock easy marks to boost overall scores.
