Understanding the Portfolio Section in SSC CGL Tier-I Exam

This article explains what the Portfolio section is in the SSC CGL Tier-I exam, provides tips to prepare for it, and guides aspirants on staying updated on current affairs.

The "Portfolio" section in the SSC CGL Tier-I exam refers to 20 objective questions testing aspirants' awareness of current affairs and recent socio-economic developments across diverse areas.

Key Details

Areas Covered Preparation Tips
- Union Cabinet and Ministries
- Government Schemes
- Economic/Social Issues
- International Events
- Sports and Awards
- Read newspapers daily
- Follow government websites/social media
- Take mock tests
- Read current affairs magazines
- Focus on understanding context

Understanding Portfolio Section

The "Portfolio" section tests aspirants on current affairs instead of technical knowledge. The objective questions cover recent developments across:

  • Union Cabinet appointments and policy changes
  • Objectives and features of flagship government schemes
  • India's economic performance, social issues, environmental concerns
  • Outcomes of international summits, India's foreign relations
  • Major sporting events, awards conferred nationally and globally

Tips to Prepare for Portfolio Section

Some key strategies to prepare for the current affairs questions are:

  • Read newspapers daily, focusing on national and business news
  • Follow government websites and social media for latest announcements
  • Practice with mock tests focused on the Portfolio section
  • Read current affairs magazines for concise updates
  • Focus more on understanding context than memorizing facts

Key Takeaways for Aspirants

Some important pointers to remember are:

  • Actively stay updated, as content is dynamic
  • Prioritize understanding key developments over micro-details
  • Practice solving questions within allotted time
  • Believe in your preparation and stay motivated

By regularly enhancing one's knowledge and honing focus on main issues, aspirants can successfully tackle this section.


The Portfolio section tests awareness of latest current affairs vital for administrative roles targeted by SSC CGL. By reading widely, following key sources, and practicing frequently, aspirants can enrich their general knowledge and tackle these questions effectively.


Q1: What kind of questions are asked in the Portfolio section?

A1: The Portfolio section contains 20 objective-type questions testing aspirants' knowledge of recent current affairs events and developments in areas like government policies, economic issues, international relations, sports achievements, awards, etc.

Q2: How can one prepare for questions on government schemes and policies?

A2: Read about latest government scheme announcements on official websites and social media handles. Also go through current affairs summaries focused on new policies and governance initiatives periodically.

Q3: What parts of the newspaper should one read daily?

A3: Focus on national news, business and economy sections daily. Also regularly read supplements and articles on recent socio-economic issues, environment concerns, international affairs, and sports/awards news relevant for exams.

Q4: Can one rely only on current affairs magazines for preparation?

A4: While current affairs magazines do provide useful summaries, relying solely on them is not enough. Read newspapers daily and supplement with online articles/government releases for fully updated knowledge.

Q5: How can aspirants evaluate their current affairs preparation?

A5: Attempting current affairs focused mock tests regularly, analyzing your strengths/weaknesses, and working on identified gaps through further reading is the best way to evaluate preparation.

Q6: What is the key takeaway for tackling this section?

A6: The essential takeaway is to actively enrich your general knowledge by reading daily, emphasizing understanding over memorization. Evaluate frequently through mocks and work on improving weaker areas.
