Active and Passive Voice for Competitive Exams

The given passage discusses the importance and syllabus of active and passive voice in the English language section of the SSC CGL Tier-I exam. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic to empower aspirants for the exam day.

Key Details:

Voice Definition
Active Voice Subject performs the action
Passive Voice Subject receives the action done by someone else

Importance of Active and Passive Voice

Ability Tested Example
Identifying active/passive voices -
Interconverting active & passive voices -
Choosing appropriate voice for context -
Finding errors in tense usage -

The active and passive voice syllabus tests aspirants on various skills like identification, conversion, choosing correct usages and finding errors in tense.

Syllabus Covered

Topic Example
Identifying correct voice -
Converting active to passive voice -
Choosing between active/passive forms -
Rules for tense changes during conversion -
Finding and correcting errors -

The syllabus covers various topics testing basics to applications of active and passive voices.

Tips for Success

Practice extensively through previous year papers and mock tests.

Refer grammar books or online resources to understand rules and formats.

Focus on sentence clarity and meaning conveyed through voice.

Apply basic rules for conversion and associated tense changes.

The key tips are regular practice, referring resources for concepts, focus on context and application of basics.

Key Takeaways

Mastery of the topic requires:

Takeaway Description
Focus on application Applying rules to solve questions
Practice Attempting mock and previous year papers
Clear understanding Learning concepts instead of mugging up

Rather than getting overwhelmed by grammar, aspirants should focus on logically applying the basic rules through extensive practice.


The passage comprehensively covers the active and passive voice syllabus, its importance, key topics, success tips and main takeaways for the SSC CGL Tier-I exam. With diligent practice and clear conceptual understanding, aspirants can tackle this section effectively.


Q1: How to identify active and passive voices?

A1: In active voice, the subject performs the action while in passive voice, the subject receives the action done by someone else.

Q2: Why is active passive voice important for SSC CGL Tier-I?

A2: The exam tests skills like identification, interconversion, choosing appropriate usages and finding errors in tense through active and passive voice questions.

Q3: What are the tips to master active passive voice?

A3: Tips include extensive practice, referring resources to learn concepts, focusing on sentence meanings and contexts and applying basic rules logically.

Q4: What is tested in active passive voice syllabus?

A4: Topics like identifying correct voice, interconversions, choosing between alternative forms, rules of tense changes and error finding are covered.

Q5: Should one master complex grammar for the section?

A5: No, focus should be on understanding logic behind conversions and extensive application through practice instead of mugging up complex rules.

Q6: How can one confidently tackle this section?

A6: Through diligent practice, clear conceptual grasp, applying basic rules logically and focusing on sentence meanings instead of getting intimidated by grammar intricacies.
