Grade Thresholds for IGCSE 2023

Grade thresholds indicate the minimum marks required to achieve a particular grade on an exam paper or in a subject. Cambridge Assessment International Education establishes thresholds after each exam series with the goal of keeping the difficulty level consistent year-over-year.

If exam questions get harder, thresholds are lowered to compensate. Similarly, if questions get easier, thresholds are raised. This ensures fairness and consistent standards.

Predicting Your Grade

Students can predict their IGCSE grades by reviewing the grade thresholds from the previous three exam series and observing trends, especially for the A* grade which depends on total marks across all exam components.

Exam Series Grade Thresholds
2022 F/M Details
2022 M/J Details
2022 O/N Details

The threshold table lists the minimum marks required for each grade per exam paper and permissible combination of papers that constitute the overall qualification.

Understanding Grade Threshold Tables

For basic cases, the threshold for a combination of papers is obtained by totaling the individual paper thresholds. The tables help candidates determine if they have achieved the threshold for their target grade.

Component Grade Threshold
Paper 1 Details
Paper 2 Details
Combination Sum of above

Threshold data allows focused exam preparation and performance benchmarking.

Availability of Updated Information

Students should visit the CAIE website regularly for the latest grade threshold information after each exam series.


Understanding grade thresholds helps students evaluate exam difficulty, predict grades, and streamline preparations. Reviewing threshold trends aids sensible goal-setting.


Q1: How are grade thresholds determined?

A1: Thresholds are set based on exam paper difficulty to maintain consistent grade standards across years.

Q2: How can students predict their grades?

A2: By observing threshold values and trends across recent exam series.

Q3: What do threshold tables signify?

A3: They list the minimum marks required per exam paper and overall to achieve specific grades.

Q4: How often are updated thresholds released?

A4: After every exam series, on the CAIE website.

Q5: Can combinations have different thresholds?

A5: Sometimes, yes. But usually, it is the sum of individual paper thresholds.

Q6: Are teacher-marked components included?

A6: No, only examiner-marked components are considered for thresholds.


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